Vicksburg's 3 of Arts: A 3-Day Weekend of Gallery Openings & Studio Tours.
A group of Vicksburg artists and gallery owners (most of whom are VAA members) are conspiring to make Warren County a mecca for the visual arts (at least for a 3 day weekend). Special shows will hang in the galleries and artists will open their home studios to the public. In all there are eleven sites to visit over the three days.
As an incentive to attend all the events, 3 of arts playing cards will be handed out at each location. Only those with a "full deck" will be eligible for the big prize.
The schedule:
Day 1. Friday, November 19, 2004 - 7 PM until 9 PM Gallery Opening:
1. The Attic Gallery
Day 2. Saturday, November 20, 2004 - 10 AM until 5 PM: Gallery Open Houses:
2. Ann Jones Studio With Melody Golding
3. Cherry Street Studios
4. Peterson's Art & Antiques (featuring paintings by Jennifer Rice)
5. River Bend Galleries
6. Suncatchers
Day 3. Sunday November 21, 2004 - 1 PM until 5 PM Home Studio Tours:
7. Jeanne Evans
8. Hobbs Freeman
9. Lisa and Lee Grant
10. Chad Poovey
11. Wanda and Dee Warren
Click here for images and more information from all the galleries and artists as well as driving directions and maps to all sites.
For more info, call:
601 638-8426
601 638-5022
601 638 9221