Upcoming Museum Exhibits in the South...
Jacob Lawrence exhibit of "more than 30 color screen prints, didactic materials and photographs of the artist. the exhibition is curated by noted Lawrence authority, Peter Nesbett and the tour is organized by Landau Traveling Exhibitions of Los Angeles, California. Through Oct. 31, 2004 Baum Gallery, Univ. of Central Ark, Conway Ak Jan 21,-march 19, 2006 Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Montgomery AL April 1-May 31, 2006 Wiregrass Museum of Art Dothan AL
Van Gogh and Mondrian to visit Southeast
"Atlanta, Georgia's High Museum of Art is the only museum in the Southeastern U.S. to host an extraordinary exhibit of 84 well-known but rarely lent masterpieces by the 19th and 20th century masters, including van Gogh, Seurat, Picasso, Rivera and Mondrian, drawn from The Netherlands' Kroller-Miller Museum. ...20 paintings and drawings by van Gogh as the core of the exhibit....Oct. 19, 2004-Jan 16, 2005..a fully illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibit.... in conjunction to organizing the exhibit, the High Museum has developed a Web
site that is devoted to van Gogh: www.high.org/vangogh the website features extensive info about exhibition, online ticketing and about planning a trip for the visit.